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    Welcome Back!

    Wechat News

    08 Sep, 2023

    13 : 52

    • After a long wait, we finally welcomed our students back to school last week. The whole campus was filled with laughter and a lively atmosphere. Our students returned one after another, and new students stepped into this unfamiliar campus with curiosity. Whether old or new, everyone was full of expectations and anticipation.


      2023-24 Student Orientation

      Our new students arrived and reported for duty! Early in the morning, our school mascot Yew Yew welcomed the students on campus. Yew Yew accompanied the new students, taking photos together and recording this special moment. Yew Yew also conveyed the most sincere blessings to them, making them feel at home and comfortable in this new environment.


      At the Student Orientation Session, the School Leadership Team gave a comprehensive introduction to the new students' families about the faculty, academic support, teaching management, communication between home and school, and accommodation services for the new school year.


      The school also provided an opportunity for new students and their parents to meet with their homeroom teachers.


      2023-24 Returning Students Back to School

      In the afternoon of that day, we also welcomed the families of returning students.


      The students and parents arrived at their new classroom, where their respective class teachers introduced the schedule of the new school year. Through this introduction, the students and parents gained a better understanding of their child's learning and the school's programmes, so they could prepare well for the start of the new school year.


      2023-24 A Fresh New Start

      On September 1st, we officially started the new school year! The School Leadership Team and teachers arrived early and greeted every student at the school gate with enthusiasm, welcoming them back to their "home".


      2023-24 Co-Curricular Activities

      In the afternoon of the first day of school, the 2023-24 Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) Fair was held in the school dance studio. The CCA program is an important part of life at YWIES Tongxiang, which allows students to explore learning opportunities outside the regular classroom.  At the CCA Fair, students, parents, and teachers responsible for various courses had face-to-face communication and had an in-depth discussion and exchange about the different CCAs being offered at YWIES Tongxang this year. This helped the parents and students choose the CCAs to register for.


      During this sharing event, subject teachers gave detailed introductions of their respective courses to students' parents and provided corresponding course recommendations for students of different grades.


      In addition to helping parents and students to learn about the various activities to sign up for, this information sharing event also promoted communication between the school and families. At the same time, it also provided a wider space and opportunity for students to engage in diversified and personalized learning.


      Let us look forward to and embrace the new school year of 2023-2024 with enthusiasm and anticipation!


      Wishing every student of YWIES Tongxiang a better future ahead!


      Let's work hard together in the new school year!