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    Welcome to the New School Year

    School News

    10 Sep, 2020

    10 : 00

    • After a wonderful and fulfilling summer holiday, YWIES Tongxiang officially ushered in the new school year and threw a special welcome party for new students. Under the guidance of teachers and staff the new arrivals completed the admission process and familiarised themselves with the classrooms and campus.

      Outstanding students who received scholarships in the previous academic year participated in the welcome party along with their parents. The scholarship recipients shared their learning experiences, their feelings about hard-won awards and campus life at Yew Wah. The parent representatives also shared thoughts and experiences with parents of the new students about Yew Wah’s educational philosophy, home-school partnership and family education.

      In order to provide students with a safe and clean campus as well as to ensure the smooth continuation of teaching, the school carried out comprehensive cleaning, disinfection and maintenance work in campus throughout the summer.

      In the new academic year, the school will bring you more surprises. The curriculum has been consolidated, the teaching content enriched, new teaching staff taken on-board, and facilities upgraded.

      Classes to Cater for Student Needs and to Improve Language Skills

      The school will gradually resume differentiated teaching that was suspended due to the epidemic. In English, Mathematics and some other subjects, students will be grouped according to their proficiency and experience so that teachers can more effectively tailor their lessons and methods to match needs.

      Strengthening the PE Programme to Improve Fitness

      In the new academic year the school will integrate more activities into the physical education programme for all students. For example, we will offer swimming lessons twice a week for students from Grades One to Three and a dry ice hockey programme for students from Grade Six to Eight.

      Enhancing the Professional Standards of the Teaching Team

      Of the newly recruited Chinese and foreign teachers, 90 percent have master's degrees with an average teaching experience of about 10 years. Coming from many different countries, our staff are truly international and almost all of them are proficient in varying degrees in two or more languages. The addition of new teachers further enriches and strengthens the school's academic range.

      Upgraded Teaching Facilities and Enriched Campus Experience

      According to the new teaching plan, the school has built and upgraded some facilities over the summer. The gym will now be open to senior students who can use it under the guidance of professional teachers; a new classroom with food preparation facilities has been added to the ECE department so that children can experience more interesting courses; and the school radio station is ready. We look forward to hearing student news anchors on campus.

      Staff Training to Ensure a Smooth Start to the School Year

      From August 10 to 17, the school carried out a number of training programmes for all teaching and non-teaching staff. The content included: the history of the YWIES Institution, campus safety and epidemic prevention, first aid for emergencies, child safety protection, duties of homeroom teachers, the student code of conduct and students’ psychological development. The training helped all employees to make adequate and comprehensive preparations for the start of the school term.

      The new school year has begun and we are well prepared to welcome all our students. We believe the newly upgraded learning communities and productive academic atmosphere will provide students with a richer learning experience, cultivate positive attitudes towards learning, and help them develop in a holistic manner.

      Let’s look forward to a year of progress and the growing maturity for our students.