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    Fun & Educational Activities for 7-Day Boarders

    School News

    18 Sep, 2019

    10 : 00

    • Our seven-day boarding programme is open to students in Grades 7 and above from the new school year 2019-2020. Our boarding programme provides opportunities for cultural learning, additional academic support, weekend outings, and campus activities.

      Let's take a look on what the boarders experienced during the last two weeks:

      Last week, our Residence Hall students had a competition of "Grocery Winner" at YH Supermarket. They were divided into threeteams and each was given 500 dollars of "Yew Wah currency" as their shopping fund.

      The teams were required to make a proper shopping list in English and purchase enough groceries to eat for one week within their budget. The winning team decidedwhere everyone would havelunch.

      Thisactivity offered a chance for the students to improve their life-skills, communicationskills, teamwork and planning ability. Some of them bought toomuch instantfood and some forgot tobuy shampoo. Teachers kindly advised them to make the shopping list complete and suggested a healthy-living style. The students who bought the most vegetables and fruit were those who spent the least amount of money at the end of the challenge!

      The studentsfound the activity to be fun, educational, and well structured. As well asgaininglife-skills, they also learnt to appreciate the daily care from their parentsand teachers.

      The aims of our seven-day boarding programme are for students to develop their life skills, leadership and independence. At the weekend, students have study hall time, a cultural activity and sports time in the evenings.

      In this programme, students reside on campus throughout the school year and returnhome for the national holidays, exeat weekends, winter and summer vacations.Head of Residence Hall, Mr Bernard, explainedto the students the importance of taking ownership of their time in school for the weekend. The seven-day boarding students are offered more choicesand freedoms during the weekends than during the school week, but they are expected to act responsibly and sensibly at all times. In this way they can grow up and mature weekbyweek, into independent and well-rounded global citizens.