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    Different Transition, Wonderful Beginning

    School News

    18 Sep, 2019

    10 : 00

    • Every new school year, we welcome our new students. It is always a nerve-wracking moment for the new parents, who often get upset when their children cry. In the past few weeks, we held a workshop for new parents, introducing the Yew Wah KindergartenTransition Plan,the aim of which is to help children transit smoothly into kindergarten life by having their parents accompany them. So how did our students manage the transition to kindergarten? Let’s look at some scenes from their daily life at school!

      Scene 1: My new friend

      A student named Frank from K3 is crying, missing his mom. His classmate Xuanxuan says, "Frank, don't cry. After the meal, mom will pick you up. But you have to finish your meal first.Otherwise you will be hungry.” Frank gradually calms himself down, continuing his meal in the comforting presence of his new friends and teachers.


      Sometimes, the encouragement of companions may make it easier for students to adapt, especially new students. Providing a safe and loving atmosphere helps children adjust more easily to the new environment and establish stronger relationships with their peers.Meanwhile, the older students may be more willing to behave well in class as examples for the younger ones.

      Scene 2: Playing happily during the morning Outdoor Activity

      Emolly, who is very attached to her family, is crying and refuses to leave her aunt. But when morning exercise begins, she starts to focus on the cheerful rhythm. In the following session, inspired by children in K4 and K5, Emolly and her partners begin their outdoor exploration.


      Here our students lead and start activities. Teachers are supporters and observers. Teachers create a secure environment for the students, modifying the surroundings to suit the children’s needs and interests, so that they have their own time and space, as well as more opportunities to do what they like. This kind of spirit can be contagious. Our students will learn through imitation. Following the example of their teachers and older students, they will be happy to interact with different friends and teachers.

      Feedback from a parent:

      A mom said: "One day, when my child came home after school, she told me that being in the kindergarten is a really happy experience. Since then, like magic, she has made a successful transition. You know, my child and I had never been separated before. It has been really hard for us. But we’ve made it!”

      What else happened during the first week of school?

      Scene 1: “Secret Hiding Place” in the school

      We can hear children laughing but, where are they? Let’s play “hide and seek”! What's going on in the lobby? Here they are! Following the voices, we find there is a special hiding place. The walls are actually the sides of two cabinets; the roof is some work by K5 graduates. “When darkness comes, a flash of light will appear."


      This is a new area created by our teachers and children. Students can talk to their friends and no one else can hear them; secrets and wishes can be written here as well! In Yew Wah, we are committed to creating an advanced learning community environment for our students, giving them maximum opportunities to play, learn and communicate, making every corner a space to explore.

      Scene 2: Let’s play Lego together

      After lunch, students are playing Lego in the hall where a variety of materials are set up for children of different ages. It's interesting that our K2-K3 kids love to stay in this area, although the activities are actually a little bit difficult for their age. What's going on?


      The flexible learning community model adopted in Yew Wah supports our children’s learning and play. K3 children are attracted to Lego when they are playing with older students in K5. After seeing and hearing the explanation and demonstration of K5 students, they are more eager to have a try.

      In this way, younger children have more opportunities to imitate and improve. In the meantime, older children may learn to be modest, co-operative and willing to help and improve their language ability. Besides, the games can also improve our students’ communication skills.

      Our educational goals need to follow the development of children, and our teaching should adapt to the different needs of each child. Nowadays, children do not get many chances to experience social interactions. We are devoted to creating a harmonious family atmosphere for our children and developing their ability to interact socially and learn by co-operating with others. This can help to shape their sense of social responsibility.

      In Yew Wah, we focus on cultivating healthy, kind and confident children. We seek to create a learning community which will ultimately benefit our children in their life journeys! Up till now, all of the new students have been making a smooth transition. We believe these wonderful activities will provide them with a better learning experience.

      Writers: Iris &Carol, ECE Teachers