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    The Story Behind Hope Seeds Concert

    Wechat News

    07 May, 2024

    10 : 43

    • On March 16, 2024, at the 'Seeds of Hope' Concert in Shanghai, teachers and students from different campuses of YCYW Education Network gathered together to present a magnificent musical feast.


      Adrian and George, two grade 4 students from YWIES Tongixang, joined over 350 performers from YCYW campuses across the country to present a stunning performance of 16 pieces in various styles and forms, delivering a breathtaking musical experience to over a thousand audience members.


      During the interview, we learned that Adrian and George have a deep love for music and have been learning various instruments since a young age. Despite the patience and persistence required to master an instrument, their genuine passion keeps them going. Their dedication and love for music drive them to practice repeatedly, improve their skills, and achieve a higher level.


      Adrian chose the violin because of its unique shape, while George secretly revealed that he actually prefers the violin because many people are already learn to play the piano.

      At the concert, Adrian and George were able to improve their communication and collaboration skills by working with teachers and students from different regions through music performances. They believe that only through continuous practice and exploration can they make greater progress in music.

      Learning an instrument can provide valuable skills for future career development, according to George. In today's diverse society, mastering multiple skills and talents can better prepare individuals for future challenges. In short, passion and persistence are key to achieving success in learning an instrument.



      Adrian faced difficulties in mastering the rhythm of the new pieces during rehearsals, but he learned different skills from his peers from other campuses and continued to improve his own techniques. He believes that rehearsing and performing with students from other campuses not only allows him to learn more about music but also to make more friends and enhance his team collaboration skill.



      George faced a tight training schedule in which they had to learn and master five new pieces within a month. However, with the help of their teachers and peers, they overcame the difficulties and successfully completed the concert, which made him feel proud and satisfied. He believed that the concert not only showcased their musical talents but also strengthened their perseverance and concentration skills.


      Adrian and George demonstrated their strong willpower and love for music by performing at their best despite feeling unwell during the concert. They believed that they couldn't let the team down and risk affecting the overall effect of the music concert.



      The 'Seeds of Hope' project is not just about giving, but also about character development through the students' sincere empathy and understanding in their charitable actions. During the interview, Adrian and George expressed their pride and happiness in being able to contribute to charity and care through their successful performance.



      Adrian and George actively participated in other charity donations and public welfare activities, recognizing the importance of helping others in need. They expressed their gratitude for what they have and their commitment to continue contributing to society and spreading the spirit of charity and care through their actions.