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    YWIES Tongxiang ECE Rolls Out a "Bilingual Stream" for Immersive Learning at Affordable Rates

    School News

    09 Nov, 2020

    10 : 00

    • Since its founding in 2017, YWIES Tongxiang has achieved great success with the strong support of local communities. In order to give back to society by extending international quality Early Childhood Education to more local families in need, YWIES Tongxiang is planning to start construction of a new kindergarten campus.

      To celebrate this milestone, the YWIES Tongxiang ECE department will start a new “Bilingual Stream” in the Spring of 2021 at an affordable price that will attract as well as benefit many families seeking premium early childhood education in Tongxiang.

      The bilingual stream is planned to launch on March 1, 2021.

      First year enrolment is open to children born between September 1, 2017 and August 31, 2018.

      Admissions hotline: 0573-8896 6605

      Foresight to Train Students for Tomorrow, Rich Experience, and a Pioneer of Early Childhood Education
      It has been nearly 90 years since Madam Tsang Chor-hang, the founder of YCYW, built the first Yew Chung kindergarten in Hong Kong. Since the 1970s, under the leadership of her daughter, Dr Betty Chan Po-king, it has become a model of high-quality early childhood education. Following Yew Chung's successful experience, since the 1990s sister schools and kindergartens have blossomed on the mainland.

      To strengthen and further develop in the field, the YCYW Foundation established the Chor Hang Educational Research Institute in 2016 that provides research and training for teachers.

      In 2018, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) was established in Hong Kong, becoming the first dedicated early education institute in Asia. YCCECE boasts an impressive team of world-renowned ECE experts and local ECE leaders as advisors.

      The new bilingual stream builds on nearly 90 years of high quality experience and professional curriculum research. It will closely adhere to YCYW’s philosophy and high standards.

      An Advanced International Curriculum for Children with High Quality Immersive Bilingual Learning
      Using a unique approach that has been successfully tested and refined over the years by Yew Chung in Hong Kong. This is a “systematic and unique” approach, concludes Dr Stephanie Sanders-Smith of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, after a long period of observation and data collection across several Yew Chung kindergartens in Hong Kong. This is also why Yew Chung has gained wide recognition. At this point, 21 kindergartens in mainland China, Hong Kong and Silicon Valley in the United States are guided by our 12-values approach.

      Adherence to holistic education through flexible learning areas to stimulate interests. The bilingual stream will continue to take a holistic approach and offer students a wide range of courses and activities, such as violin lessons (for children above four years), baking activities, outdoor study activities, Artist(s)-in-Residence programme, etc. Additionally, teachers will set up learning areas according to student interests and regularly update and replenish resources, so that students will maintain interest in the classroom. For example, if children are interested in superheroes, they can create such areas and themes for children.

      Western teachers stay in class to improve children's bilingual ability through active immersion. In the bilingual stream, we have Western teachers in the class. Teachers will design different themes according to children's characteristics, interests and ages. Through games and stories, children can learn English naturally. With immersive learning they can not only pick up simple vocabulary and sentence patterns but also solve real-life problems and understand multi-culturalism.

      Largely tailor-made emergent curriculum to help students explore and discover. The bilingual stream classes are smaller, with a teacher-child ratio of 1:6. Teachers can closely observe children's feedback during daily activities and select topics according to children's interests. This helps teaching wrap around the child. If a teacher finds that students like to build houses with blocks, they will design observation and exploration activities combined with picture books so that students can understand the theme from various aspects be it science or art.

      Creating learning portfolios for each child to record specific progress. Parents are seen as important partners in their children's learning. Therefore, it is very important to share the development of students with them. Teachers record children's study files such as learning stories, work, assessment reports in text and pictures to help parents understand what their children are learning, and celebrate their growth together. Our school also regularly organises workshops on different topics for parents to promote home-based co-parenting.

      Tongxiang Sees Expansion of Early Childhood Education with a New Bilingual Stream, All at a Low Entry Cost with Discounts for Founders
      The opening of YCCECE (Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education) in Hong Kong marks the beginning of a new era of seamless "Baby to Bachelor" progression at YCIS and YWIES. “We hope to provide high quality preschool to more students from different walks of life and to bring about a more profound and lasting impact on the community,” says Dr Betty Chan.

      With the rapid development of Tongxiang and its surrounding cities, parents' view of education has become more international and forward-looking. Demand for good quality education has never been higher. International input, they believe, will bring about comprehensive, and individualised development for each child so that he or she can be better prepared for a rapidly changing future.

      In order to benefit more local families requiring high quality early childhood education, the independent campus for the bilingual stream of YWIES Tongxiang will be completed by 2022, with a capacity of nearly 300 seats and a gross area of 7,000 square metres. Tuition fees for the new bilingual stream are set at just RMB80,000 annually with a 20 percent founding discount (valid throughout the ECE sector). Interested parents may call 0573-8896 6605 or scan the QR Code to link to our WeChat for further information.